After a lengthy paper work and Visa processing, when any foreign tourist finally lands in India hoping to get enlightened and be mesmerised by the mix bag of culture and diversity. It doesn’t take long for him to realise that he is already 30 years late.
For those of us Indians who have been to Singapore or Canada or USA, the first thing you note after coming out of the airport is the cleanliness and the order in which things move in that country. Now just imagine the expectations of a foreign tourist when he lands in India and what actually greets him after coming out from airport.
A long queue of taxis

You will find their owners waiving at you or even try pulling your luggage towards their vehicle as if they know you even before you were born.
Reason: everyone wants to earn, and what’s better than to show them that you care for them.
Good news: You can opt for Ola, Uber cabs in metro cities.
Solution: ignore the ones who are trying to get your attention, because they’re the ones you were warned about. Look for the pre-paid taxi stand, ask any police officer for pre-paid taxi stand and take a cab from there. Because they have to inform the officers who they are taking and where they are taking.
Slums, Beggars, Filth

Reason: This is a country of 1.2 billion people with more than half of the country living on Rs 50 a day, so don’t expect to see high-rise buildings and apartments everywhere. Slums are there because it was once a village around which a city has grown now.
Those beggars will surely follow you till the end of land, and giving them money is a punishable offence here. But if you still choose to give something to one of them, it’ll be a matter of seconds till you see yourself surrounded by hundreds of them. So please don’t.
Good news: With “Swatch Bharat” initiative people are realising the dire need of cleanliness, and cities are now becoming more cleaner.
Bad news: Government is yet to ban smaller packaging of food material including gutkha, pan masala which is the major contributor of filth in the entire country.
Solution: Keep your bag safe and ignore those beggars while walking.
Animals on the street

Ok, let me make it very clear now and for the last time. This is the land of 3 crore gods and people here are very religious and at the same time very protective about every animal.
So you have to live with it. This has always been the real India and it will always be.
Animals were there all along, roads and cities came later. And we love our animals.
Good news: You’ll experience this for the first time and you’ll miss it when you go back. Take my words on it.
Bad news: You have to live with it, there’s no other way out for you guys.
Solution: Catch them in your camera, show it to your grand kids when you get old.
Those honking idiots

Reason: We have the traffic signals and we even have those timers at major junctions for the commuters to save fuel.
Now every time that reverse countdown on that timer goes ...5...4...3...(honk!!)...(honk!!)... honk honk honk honk...
It’s not that we love honking, it’s just the (patience level) + (frustration) + (high stress level) + (heat) + (no traffic sense of people) + (not following of the traffic rules of other people) that comes out from the press of that small honking button.
Good news: it’s normal to honk here. No-one gets offended.
Solution: put in your ear phones and let your driver handle that.
Wrong side driving

Well this sure is a problem and you’ll find it everywhere you go in this country.
Reason: Well imagine a class room when the teacher goes out for 10 minutes, or even if that teacher falls asleep for 5 minutes. Same is the case here, we haven’t grown yet.
Good news: You are not driving.
Bad news: even if you know driving, I would not suggest you to do it.
Solution: walk, or take public transport.

This was the biggest problem for foreign tourists a while back, but since the internet explosion, it is going down drastically.
Reason: Same, who doesn’t wants to earn more.
Good news: it’s going down
Bad news: it’s still not out completely
Solution: Do your research properly before arriving so that you don’t look like a dumb pigeon when you land. And of course it goes without saying, ignore every single one of them, they are the ones you were warned about.
Haunting eyes following you everywhere

You might find it odd when people look at you awkwardly.
Reason: most of times it is because of what you are wearing and of course that different skin color, and then they tend to drift away thinking how you came here all this way on your own, which country you must be from, do you even know English, are you married, do you have any loan on your head...
Good news: 99% of them won’t even talk to you only 1% will try to have a conversation with you.
Bad news: it is obvious to feel awkward.
Solution: The best thing to do is not to make an eye contact because that’s what starts a conversation, and even if anyone do start a conversation, don’t get too friendly with them, NEVER get too friendly with ANY of them especially if you are a girl.
Choice of Clothing

Reason: You have to respect the rules of the land. Now I know that hot pants are becoming common here in India. But amid security concerns it is advised that you wear proper Indian clothing, which by the way looks more stunning on you than those short pants and tank tops.
Good news: Always remember, a foreign tourists respecting Indian culture gets more respect in return and even unexpected help from strangers.
Bad news: western clothing may bring unwanted attention from unwanted people.
Solution: wearing western clothing or Indian clothing is purely upto you, but don’t wear revealing clothing as it might offend someone’s cultural beliefs.
Safety Issue

Just like every country, India too have safety issues, and then there is media which blows an issue so much out of proportion that it generates a sense of fear in every traveller’s mind.
See, if you’re dumb enough to ignore things then you are simply inviting trouble. I can’t list down all those hundred things which you should not be doing when you are travelling in an unknown country. But I can only tell you how to avoid getting in situations like these.
Now listen closely: as said earlier, wear modestly, avoid going out alone at night (usually an hour after sunset), keep emergency numbers handy, dial 100 and ask them for any help, trust GOOGLE and NO-ONE else for directions and places. And most important avoid crowded places especially on days like new-year. God forbid if something goes south, get in touch with your embassy at the earliest.
Good news: It’s not unsafe at all, if you attentive.
Bad news: These things still happen, which saddens me.
Solution: remember what you mom and dad told you about – not to go out alone at night, not to drink with strangers, taking care of your drinks, not to leave your stuff/drinks unattended, trusting absolutely NO-ONE, be home on time, lock the door of your room from inside, keep emergency numbers handy, updating your loved ones about your whereabouts every day... you already know the drill!

It has been a big issue for long but things are getting better day by day due to this government’s policies and initiatives. New travellers are also appreciating the work done by the present government. People are now getting more involved in keeping the country clean.
Good news: It’s getting better day by day.
Bad news: dust-bins and public urinals are still missing which make people do what has been happening for so long.
Solution: always keep a hand sanitizer, tissue roll with you, and always maintain your personal hygiene.
Note: Always pose yourself as “I-know-everything” and “never-mess-with-me” person. Never be gentle and don’t even think once that it would look rude to say “No” to anything. If anyone is persisting, it’s time to get yourself out of there.
And god forbid if anything goes wrong, always remember there’s always something that can get you out of trouble. So stay calm and think of all the possibilities which can pull you out from there.
- Should you use your embassy name.
- Should you run.
- Where was the last police guy/car you saw.
- Remember a big politician’s name which you can use along with your embassy name.
- Should you call 100 (police).
- Should you shout at the top of your voice.
This article is written for you to understand what to expect when you land, it doesn't mean that this place is unsafe in any respect.
I've been to many countries myself and to be honest this is the land where you'll find the most generous, the most humble, the most friendly people in the world.
And one more thing, if you plan to eat outside (I mean the street food) I better suggest you to carry your medications for upset stomach. It takes much more to be an Indian afterall.
There’s a reason why this land is known as incredible India. Come and experience it!

Article credit: Veer Nehra Dated: 14th July 2016